Sunday, June 05, 2022

Making some good noise


When I was scuba diving, I loved the clicking sound in the water.

The noises are a multitude of animals living on the reef. Remember that coral is an ANIMAL and though it might look and feel like a rock, it’s alive. The sound could be shrimp, parrotfish, turtles, etc. There is so much going on we just don’t see. The best part is that be being still, you can get close, listen and see all the tiny critters. I call them “hidden treasures”, so things like pygmy seahorses, skeleton shrimp, crinoid crabs, nudibranchs, etc. Frying bacon or snap, crackle, pop: The snap of snapping shrimp is probably the most common sound in the oceans and can be heard in temperate and tropical waters, especially near shallow hard-bottom habitats. These little shrimp are around 2 inches long but sport one giant claw. As the claw shuts, the plungerlike structure forces out a jet of water so fast that it creates cavitation bubbles. The bubbles implode rapidly, snapping and creating a shock wave that stuns prey. Pound for pound, this little shrimp is the loudest animal in the sea. 



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