Tuesday, June 14, 2022


I am thoroughly enjoying the hearings! Nothing that I didn't all ready know, because I was glued to the TV for over 4 years watching trump and his crew screw over our country. But it is nice to hear it said OUT LOUD in a public space. Like Stephen Colbert said the other night ... just to confirm that we are not all crazy at what we know we saw! 

I am dusting off this fantastic take on the insurrection to give me a laugh this morning. 


I love this guy, The Tony Michaels Podcast, he does not hold back! 


From twitter, I gotta laugh or I would cry

Watching Barr throw Citrus Caligula under the bus over and over again brings me such joy

"Infector General"

"Masta Don"

"Bunker Butt"

"The Orange Onager"

"Angel Martin's Father"

Bloatus the Hutt

The Extortionist in Charge

Velveeta Voldemort 

Blob Boss 

Lord of the Frings 

Citrus Canker 


Syphillitic Sentient Gastropod 


Apricot Ina-Conspiracy 

Douche รก l'orange 

Dildo Baggins 

Phallus in Chains 

 Orange Cruelius 

Wrongald Dump

David Pederson over on I Could Be Wrong. has his take: "White House attorney Eric Herchmann stated that what Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell were stating about election fraud was “Nuts”. That’s right “Nuts”. There probably not a better way to describe it. Bill Barr called it BS as well as “idiotic”, “bogus and silly”, “disturbing”, and “complete nonsense”. Bill Barr did, at Trump’s insistence, investigate if there was any voter fraud while the process was going on which was against DOJ policy. His team found none. Bar called Trump It seems that the President was told over and over again that the allegations were not true but he marched on with the lie. It looks like Trump’s own inner circle was advising him that he lost. That is why he had to turn to “Team Wack Job”. What a great name for Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell “Team Wack Job”. The real losers are the Republican Party members that “Team Wack Job” conned. I have to admit that the con job paid off well for Trump. In the aftermath he raised 250 million dollars for a legal defense found that did not actually exist. That could be wire fraud. Yup, because of the January 6th investigation they may have uncovered another crime committed by Trump and Company."

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