Friday, June 10, 2022

Friday facts

1/6 coverage brings back the disbelief I experienced that day! 

Trump is just disgusting and losing it too ...  he can't handle the truth. “The so-called ‘Rush on the Capitol’ was not caused by me, it was caused by a Rigged and Stolen Election!” Trump wrote in one of eight hearing-related messages.

I just heard the Dow is down 800 points because of the economy reports. Great ;( 

Fox News are scared shitless. And I am very amused by all the GQP crap on Twitter. They can not help themselves, they have to lie, about everything. Tucker is hysterical, literally ... As the Jan 6. hearing aired, Fox News ran an ad-free Tucker Carlson show pushing the debunked claim the riot was an FBI plot


Discovered the 80-something blog while I was while I was trying to find out who is linking to my silly post My Day. It was really just a mundane, listing of how many times I had to let the dogs and cats, in and out. Yesterday I noticed 132 views, then this morning, 154 views? I mean who is reading this? I used to track links back to my blog years ago, but I really don't care and don't track that. But, still, it is puzzling. 

Funny, that post was not so long ago, and now I am down to ONE deaf dog, no cats. Although, Rooster (the cat with the crooked tail) still lives on this street with out neighbor. Rooster moved out with Murphy moved in. He started hanging out with my friend down the street. She told me he was spending a lot of time there, she didn't mind and wanted to make sure it was okay with Bri. I mean, what could we say? It was Rooster's choice. He drops by every once in awhile, walks in the back door, circles around the house then leaves. I wonder what he is looking for?

I am the type of person who will wash off meat to feed the dog. Pixie is really not eating dog food anymore and prefers to be hand fed, chicken or cold cuts or hot dogs. This morning David was about to throw out a little leftover chicken salad I had made. It smelled fine so I picked the chicken out of the grapes and celery, washed the chicken and fed it to Pixie. I do this all the time. Little meat scrapes to the animals. Like mom, I hate to  waste food and think that some animal sacrificed their life for me, so I could dump it in the trash.

It has quit raining for now. At least for today. It is suppose to rain all weekend. The backyard it a lake and I am so sick of rain. But then David told me yesterday that most of the U.S. was going to experience 114 degree weather. So, I opt for rain.

I really have to get some stuff done today. Other than discovering yummy stuff on the internet.

David made chili last night and I am having it for breakfast. 

IIliana TreviƱo, a fourth grader at Robb Elementary School, was hospitalized with heart issues last week after visiting her best friend’s memorial. These kids should NOT be going through this. The f*cking Repulicans and their love and lies for guns is too much. 

Talk to you later.

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