Thursday, June 09, 2022

Errol Le Cain

Well, I am enchanted by Errol Le Cain's illustrations. The richness and details are astounding. Am now desperately looking for books to buy the girls (and me!) 

From Messy Nessy ... Errol Le Cain is the perfect example of the magic that happens when cultures collide. Growing up in Singapore, India, and London, the British illustrator started inventing his fantasy worlds as early as early as age 11, weaving in elements of Moorish symmetry, Indonesian shadow puppets, and Baroque fantasy. Above all, he took the art of storytelling to heart. “The first task of an illustrator,” he said, “is to be in full sympathy with the writer. No matter how splendid and exciting the drawings may be, if they work against the story, the picture book is a failure”. The result was an enchanting style, charged with an etherealness makes you feel like you should be whispering… 

Le Cain was born in Singapore in 1941, but his family fled just a year later from the Japanese Invasion. So the little Le Cain grew up in Agra, India, becoming fascinated with film and making his first animated short movie, The Enchanted Mouse, on an 8-mm camera before he was even a teenager. By the time he was 15, a London studio caught wind of “the Wunderkid from the East”, and paid his passage to England. Come 1965, he set up shop with Richard Williams’ animation studio, where he really got to hone his watercolour skills…  

Collecting Errol Le Cain, an introduction.


More of his illustrations





  1. the detail in Le Cain's illustrations is absolutely mind blowing!

  2. how did we never know about/blog about him???? he died really young, around 49! ;( But I AGREE, I could not get enough once I started looking at his style


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