Thursday, May 12, 2022

This person says wear YOUR MASK

I made a declaration that we are eating out of the freezer full of meat for the next month. Thawed out some chicken, diced up some potatoes almost going south and some bell peppers languishing in the veggie drawer, some frozen peas and David whipped up some curry. I had my mouth set on a Tikka Masala Curry because we had two jars of Tikka Masala Curry in the pantry ... but then I could not find them. I think Bri must have gotten rid of them, along with all the cans of beans I had stocked in there. Anyway, we made curry instead. And I have several whole chickens in the freezer I bought for 99 cents lb. for dog food. I am cooking one in the pressure cooker. Pixie is being a very picky eater and I am hoping to make something so delicious she can not refuse.

Got stuck on watching a couple of "vibrations" and "owning your energy" videos yesterday. I really don't want to be "an angry white over-60 woman", but I am and I can not give up my fight against this out and out stupidity taking over our country. Many of my friends tell me they can't think about the anger, the ugliness because they want to "enjoy their lives", appreciate the beauty around them and pursue happiness. That is fine for them but don't be shocked when we find ourselves living in an America before women had the right to vote, equality for everyone, same-sex marriage rights vanish. This could indeed be our future and it scares the shit out of me and for my grandkids.

I do understand putting beauty into the world. Feeling gratitude everyday. I feel gratitude. I carry a rock in my pocket to remind me of the infinite beauty we experience every second. But I also live in fear that the crazy right-wing trump cult it taking over and has a good chance of being back in the White House and it makes me want to fight until my last breath.


So this happened today - BBC reports United States passes one million Covid deaths


As much as I want this to be over, this pandemic is not. I hate wearing mask as much as the next guy and I have to privilege of not having to leave my house and go to work. The case numbers are growing and I just wish/hope that people take this new surge seriously and be careful out there.Wear your mask. Even if genius Kid Rock thinks it bullshit, how f*cking dumb does one get? And the comments of those who love him are sickening. I have little hope of us getting past this division in our nation. We as a nation, are in deep, dark, shit!



  1. Lord help us all, I have the same fears and anger about our country and where it's headed as you do. And I don't see it getting any better either. :(

  2. Thank you! I just feel so frustrated Angie! I want to ignore it and live my very, exciting, beautiful life (ha, ha, ha) ;0 but I can't get past the fear of our demise!


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