Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Space Between Waves Where Tree is Born

Isn't this work by Domenico Zindato deliciously intricate? I could not stop clicking on images, I wanted more, more! His instagram.  His YouTube channel where he shows his drawing technique.

"A master draftsman, Zindato has developed a labor-intensive, meticulously detailed drawing technique, using nib pens and fine-haired brushes on paper, to create semi-abstract images packed with mysterious motifs and elaborate patterns. Set against brightly colored backgrounds, Zindato’s drawings read, from a distance, as abstract. Viewed closely, however, they reveal the artist’s intricate pattern-making, with its dynamic swirls, eddies, and enigmatic symbols: eyeballs, floating heads, wave-like ripples and hand-drawn letters. At once extremely precise in its execution and meditative in spirit, Zindato’s art suggests affinities with pre-historic cave paintings, aboriginal art, Buddhist mandalas and Native-American decorative patterns. Zindato’s palette has absorbed the colors of his travels in India and Mexico…vivid ochres, blues, greens and pinks."




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