Sunday, May 01, 2022

Stolen and I am still mad about it

I run across a diamond and rough emerald ring images every once in awhile and it reminds me that I once owned one very similar to it in the late 80's. I am pretty sure it was my drug-addicted brother broke into my apartment and stole all of my jewlery, tvs, cameras ... He was also doing the same at mom's house. 

He took so many rings that had such memories for me, mostly mom's. I never forgave him for that. My grandmother's gold dome ring, a beautiful huge Amethist in gold. My Cartier Stacking tri-color gold wide band ring given to me.


The emerald ring I bought with $500 that my grandmother had left me at her death with mom in Snyder, Texas in late 70's. My anger and disappointed comes rushing back when I see the ring. Stolen so he could buy crap to snort up his nose or shoot into his arm.



  1. I had a brother like that. I wasn't living anywhere close but he terrorized and stole everything my mother owned plus everything of value from the men he lived with. When he died- he had so much expensive other brother took it all. Has it in his home. Stolen Goods. Hard to believe we were raised in the same home- same parents.

  2. I always feel sorry for the moms who had to go through that hell of watching someone you gave birth to be such a horrible person. I felt so sorry for my mom who felt so much guilt for his bad deeds. I know that feeling as well, I did not know how my brother turned out like that, except he just had NO conscience. He could lie and steal and do horrible things, he said he felt terrible but he just kept doing it. I was not surprised he died the way he did, heartbreaking but not surprising. My brother took things that I grew up with like a chiming clock that I wanted in my life after my mom was gone. He never thought about sentimental things like that!


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