Saturday, May 07, 2022


As my punishment for my crime against nature I took on cleaning a very burned/dirty oven. It took most of the day. I am conjuring up other nasty jobs to take on to ease my conscience.

I knew I would feel badly about this decision, but had no idea HOW horrible. Besides what removing that tree has done to the grass and many of my bushes destroyed, the crows are dazed and confused and keep sitting on the roof looking towards the non-existent tree.

I was thinking this morning, 60 years of families of crows have hung out in that tree. It is a learned, remembered behavior. 

I woke up in the wee hours and could not go back to sleep. Started watching HBO's Julia, highly entertaining.

Matt stopped by yesterday after work to climb on the roof and check out an overflowing gutter. Seems the roof guys completely screwed up the gutter, which was now growing maple saplings because it wasn't draining. Jesus, why can't these people do a job correctly without you having to go chase them down to fix something. I also found where they had screwed in the vertical gutter OVER an extension cord, just leaving it stuck there. Will have to chase all of that down on Monday.


  1. I wish I could send my guys over to you. Expensive but when they go- it's like they were never here.
    Like the tree never existed. Last time-ten trees. They climb, cut, drop, chip and then remove the chunks to dry for firewood..

  2. I wish YOU could too. Now I have an emotional and physical mess ;)


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