Sunday, May 01, 2022

Old movies

Yesterday I played old Agatha Christie Movies on YouTube instead of the news. David and I watched all of the Death on the Nile. Today, it was Charlie Chan. I loved Charlie Chan when I was a kid and always wanted to be his daughter in one of his investigations. Oh, how I wished to be a Chan! I do not have to sit down and 'watch' these movies as I know many of them by heart. I am just trying to keep myself from watching the news and find something far more entertaining and uplifting, like a murder (on the Nile).

Today, the kids moved more of their stuff out. We worked in the front garden yesterday, cleaning out the beds. David shamed me into helping him by just going out there and doing the hard work.

We hired someone to help get the grass back in shape, adding dirt, thatching and we will re-seed. I hope David can get his perfect yard back soon. 

I am still very, very sad but trying to focus on other things like cleaning and weeding instead of missing my son and the dogs.

Funny note. When I am posting some great artist, David will say "send me that link". I then say "why don't you just check my blog every once in a while". I don't think he has ever read my blog in all of these years ;)

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