Tuesday, May 03, 2022

It is official

The Liquid Amber is coming down tomorrow :(
Today's progress

The last stand. I keep telling the universe how sorry I am for this loss. David said if I really wanted to keep it, I could be the one climbing on the roof to get the sticker balls out of the gutters and digging all the sticker balls out of the grass. Ok, when you put it that ... 
All of our immediate neighbors are thrilled, so much so, they are pitching in for the cost.


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Wow - major tree - but seriously, will you really miss those sweetgum seeds??

  2. Are sweetgum seeds good for dye- for cloth? I love the name Sweeetgum- but not the mess, I guess.
    Here in Maine we have Pine and Pine. Oak. Second year of NO ACORNS... This is worrisome as it might be the bearer of bad news with climate change and also famine for the deer population in the woods. Yes...wildlife.

  3. That is funny because the sweetgum is producing more seed pods than ever ... one reason David wants to get rid of it, he spends all year racking them out of the grass.
    The tree guy said it is producing more seeds because it knows it is coming to its end. It does have surface disease visual. I don't know if that is true or not.

    I am going to cry, I know this

  4. hey- looked it up- the light brown bark tinged with red- makes up a purple to black dye for cloth.

  5. I could have dyed a bunch of cloth ;)


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