Friday, April 22, 2022

Sunday election in France

If right-wing, Putin-loving Marine Le Pen wins on Sunday, Europe and the world is screwed. Like we don't have enough to worry about, I cry at the drop of a hat about the war.

French President Emmanuel Macron faces far-right challenger Marine Le Pen on Sunday, in a rematch of 2017's presidential election.

The vote is a runoff election, since neither candidate won more than 50% of the votes in an earlier round of voting on April 10. But the final outcome is expected to be much closer than it was five years ago, when Macron defeated Le Pen with two-thirds of the vote. Currently, polls show Macron with a slight edge. 

Early results are expected to emerge after the last polling stations close at 8 p.m. local time Sunday, or 2 p.m. ET. The election's first round saw a participation rate of nearly 74% — a slight drop from the 2017 race. 

Here's why the election matters well beyond France's borders: 

Will right-wing ideology continue its spread across Europe? 

Will France stay focused on Europe, or will it turn inward? 

Le Pen's ties to Russia are newly relevant 



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