Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Perfect stormy meal in Nerano

Stanely Tucci's Italy series, episode 1. There is a segment where Tucci and his wife are having their favorite dish - Zucchini Spaghetti Stanley Tucci Loves (Spaghetti alla Nerano). So they are at this fabulous restaurant, Lo Scoglio da Tommaso in Nerano, overlooking crystalline waters, waiting for this dish when a big storm rumbles in. All the guest cancel and the restaurant clears out. Tucci's crew remains to capture the lightning and storm and the kitchen continues to finish all the dishes they were preparing for that evening. The film crew and kitchen staff all sit down, in a perfect storm, filled with lightning and thunder. David and I said, what a perfect dinner! The only thing that would make it more perfect would be if the lights went out, dine by candle light, have all the vino you can consume then Stanley reads a murder mystery after dinner. I can dream, can't I?


  1. I absolutely loved the entire series but that stormy episode was delicious. I have them recorded on my TiVo.
    I walked those Roman streets one summer when we (teen children and me) visited my husband there. He was opening the first McDonald's in Rome. Had an apartment. It was lovely. Food was wonderful. the new owner of the Mcd's sent us home with a big wheel of Parm. I traded it for endless take out at our Italian Local (on the corner in Germany) for the "poor children"- mine- who had no one cooking for them.........sigh.....and had to live on takeout. My teens thought they had died and gone to Heaven.

  2. That sounds like a dream!!! That is a great memory. A wheel of Parm!!!!!
    When we lived in Malta my mom visited Italy several times but I never went.
    Well, thanks to Stanley, I have been hooked on Balsamic vinegar, cooking up a storm to the dismay of my husband, making couscous salad and quiche, and anything with sundried tomatoes.
    But that dinner in the thunderstorm was so delightful, that was my moment of complete envy


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