Saturday, April 30, 2022


Although covid deaths have been under 500 all week, the numbers of new cases goes up every day. Alarming.


  1. Maine is having a sharp increase as well (just like after Christmas)......across the bridge- 10 minutes from home- no masks and so many cases. Very Red. The store with Fig Jam and hard Lemon Candy is there- also an excellent Book Store. When I go- I am nearly the only masked person. I wanted to go this week....but not now. I think I would need to wear gloves.

    I am reminded of taking clothing off in the garage if we went anywhere in that first COVID YEAR.

  2. Deaths are really down, and I am wondering if vaccines are working? I keep my fingers crossed that we are stepping over the hump but not all that optimistic seeing as we are rushing out of the precaution stage. Fortunately here, about half the population at grocery stores are wearing masked. But I still just want to stay home and away from everyone ... can't wait for this crap to be over. But covid numbers are not looking good in China today.


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