Friday, April 08, 2022


It is hard to express how bored I have been this week, house/dog sitting. I finally fired up my very old laptop but it is so painfully slow, the batteries in the mouse corroded and it hardly runs. Not too much going on except feeding dogs, trying to sleep and watching TV. I will be home soon ;)


  1. Stanley Tucci- I make that simple pasta sauce from episode one- when he cooks with his mother. Delicious.
    I have all the episodes recorded on Tivo and watch them when I am feeling lonely and need a friend like Stanley.
    I also want to try the one with the zucchini. My husband spent a few years with Mcd's in Italy. So the kids and I went to visit him there on summer vacations. It was simply divine.

  2. I was fascinated with the balsamic vinegar in the Bologna region! It makes me want to cook, which is scary thought for all of my family LOL xoxoxoxo


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