Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Back home

Returned home yesterday from dog sitting. The kids are busy signing papers, packing up their belongings, renting U-Hauls ... moving very soon. It pulls at my heart in many ways. I will miss them and I am excited for them to go start having fun in their new life. 

I really did not do anything except watch TV. Got up on many shows I have been meaning to watch. I did not sleep very well there, too quiet, not enough chaos, too big, lots of home settling noises late at night. AND NOT my house settling, which I am very familiar with. Plus she has a very large house, many levels.

Pixie is feeling better. I don't think I could have survived having another one of our babies passing in such a short time. I wake up all night looking for Pebbles at the foot of my bed, where she has slept every night for 13 years? Is that possible? I miss her. I miss Sophie. My heart has a hole in it.

(later) I just took Pixie to the vet to have gland expressed and ended up crying telling them about Pebbles passing at the vet. It feels like I hardly had time to process until I had to leave to go dog sit. Asking them WHY is it I can not get my dogs into ANY emergency vets at anytime. I mean, why is it called "emergency vet" if you can not use them during an emergency?


  1. It is such a different, piercing kind of pain when we have to let our four-legged heartbeats go. They are at our sides, at our feet, most of our time that they live with us. So very difficult to get used to them not physically being right there. My heart breaks for you---and for those of us who are looking into that void sooner rather than later. And I absolutely agree with you about access to emergency vets. :(

  2. Thank you, Angie! I am really trying not to feel too sorry for myself. I had great years with our little guys and was fortunate to have adopted them! My D-I-L says I should look into adopting an older guy who needs a home, I am giving that some thought


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