Saturday, March 19, 2022

Saving a jar

I am starting to think it is not worth the effort. I had a bunch of nice jars, relatively clean, good lid but with a very sticky label. Successfully removed label, without leaving any behind but had a horrendous sticky glue mess. I have washed, used goof-off, something else that smells like gasoline, vegetable oil, BTW, vegetable oil works the best. I am still rubbing and scrubbing and I am about to throw them out, except I have so much time invested getting them clean. Then my next question, what am I going to use them for?

The same aggravation with candles. They are in beautiful glass jars now, but all of that scrapping and cleaning. Is the really worth it? Anyway, my little bitch for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Mine are filled with buttons, spools of thread, packages of seeds, dried beans, rice, oatmeal, sugar, small pasta shapes for soup, cookies etc. I have so very many jars............. as in the days of Olde- I canned vegetables and jams and jelly. Pickles. Now I don't. the canning kettle full of water is too heavy for me at 75.


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