Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Put women in charge

I firmly believe we would live in a completely different world if women were in charge. We would never let comflict escalate to a point that would put our children, family or even pets at risk of death and  destruction. A conflict that would annihilate communities that we built and loved, would never to be allowed to happen. I think we would figure out a way live in peace. But I might be wrong. Maybe I am wrong, have women become more militant? 

We have witnessed so many wars worldwide in our lifetime. Each one, every image of dead children, communities blown to rubble, horrible atrocities against woman as in Sub Saharan Africa and the Bosnian War, remember those horrible images? Each conflict takes a chunk our of our souls.

That is what I am feeling now. I am watching The Death of Yugoslavia (broadcast as Yugoslavia: Death of a Nation in the US)[2] is a BBC documentary series first broadcast in 1995, and it is also the title of a BBC book by Allan Little and Laura Silber that accompanies the series. It covers the collapse of Yugoslavia, the subsequent wars and the signing of the final peace accords. It uses a combination of archived footage interspersed with interviews with most of the main players in the conflict, including Slobodan Milošević, Radovan Karadžić, Franjo Tuđman and Alija Izetbegović, as well as members of the International political community, who were active in the various peace initiatives. Not sure if it clears anything up, but I have not finished it yet. What I do notice is that  all the leaders seem to be still alive to tell the story and thousands of regular folks are raped, dead and buried in mass graves.

With our current political situation with radical right chanting civil war, I wonder if they are really willing to destroy our way of life because of trump? Makes my head spin with worry.  

The World Ahead 2022 - Interesting take on the future. "If 2021 was the year the world turned the tide against the pandemic, 2022 will be dominated by the need to adjust to new realities, both in areas reshaped by the crisis (the new world of work, the future of travel) and as deeper trends reassert themselves (the rise of China, accelerating climate change). Here are ten themes and trends to watch in the year ahead."

I am sorry to be such a downer, I am just really sick of seeing countries blown to bits.

On a sadder note, we woke up today to find Sophie, one of the chihuahuas had passed away. Just lying on the carpet in her usual spot, very traumatic for all of us. I guess we can be thankful that it was not a prolonged illness like Scooter or Pica.

Also noted, Chinese air crash seems a little strange. It just fell out of the sky, plummeting the earth vertically? With no correspondence with ground control? Maybe no time? I hope it was a pilot on a suicide mission.

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