Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Pebbles passed away today. It all happened very quickly and I am in shocked. I didn't realize she was 10+ years old. 

 We all think she had a bad life of abuse before I adopted her at the shelter in Atlanta so many years ago:  

"Of course, there was Atlanta. Our dog-adoption pit-stop. When I walked into the shelter to tell Robin to hurry up and spotted Pebbles, alone in a corner, her long, slim legs crossed. Rather oblivious to her plight. As I picked her up, then set her back down, some male dog came over and peed on her backside. When I saw that, I could not leave her there. Sent David a photo and text and the rest is history. That started her arduous trip back to Seattle. As I know now, she can't "potty" on a leash. Although, I would walk her for hours, in the wee hours of the morning before we hit the road. She acted like she wanted to, but just couldn't. That made me so worried for her, that I started feeding her little hand-fulls of rice. I know we were days from being home and she could survive on water, rice and bits of chicken. Without having a bowl movement in days and days, my worry-meter was high. Then she exploded, luckily, she was in her travel crate. But I had days of washing crates, buying many towels from Wal-Mart, doing loads of laundry and trying to make her NOT feel like she had one something wrong. She is very sensitive. My friend Faith kept asking, "are the dogs begging to go back to the shelter yet?" 

My heart is so broken right now. She was such a sweet dog who didn't understand she was a dog or even know a dog played. Everyone was very patient with her weirdness and understood her. I am so glad she ended up with us instead of anyone else who would not have understood her.


  1. Oh Kim, my heart breaks for you. I know that heart-brokenness. Sending quilted hugs to wrap you in.

  2. Thank you, Angie! It was just so sudden and shocking, I am stunned.

  3. Kim, I'm sorry. Pebbles was a magical tiny being in your life, and I'm sure you were a magical being in hers. Big hug. I'm so sorry.

  4. THANK YOU Maureen!!!! Hope your show is going well!


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