Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Nature artist

JoAnna Poehlmann’s apartment may look like a natural history museum, but her habitat fuels her living, breathing art practice every day. 

Joanna Poehlmann is known for her meticulously rendered, often witty tributes to nature and the works of old masters, so it should be no surprise that her home is brimming with both. Up a narrow flight of stairs in an apartment carved from a Gothic Victorian, she has built a space where artifacts and art books are easily at hand, where she can spend time with her own work before letting it leave home.

Poehlmann has traveled the world but happily remains in Milwaukee, the city of her birth. Her apartment, with views of Lake Michigan, is an easy walking distance from the Milwaukee Art Museum.

At 86, she creates daily and can’t imagine running out of ideas. Her studio is separated from her living room by a lofty hallway that’s a timeline of a long creative career, hung with shadow boxes, collages, drawings, prints, and watercolors. She adds new items often.


0 "housewife who paints", "woman artist" ... 

A Conversation with JoAnna Poehlmann & Lee Weiss from Wisconsin Academy on Vimeo.



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