Sunday, March 20, 2022

Lesson learned

Noah wakes me up every morning asking for my iPhone and a chocolate milk. This morning was no exception. She told me I looked grumpy and I said she was right. Then she kissed my leg and said "I know you would like that". Little manipulator! ;) Everyone else is in deep sleep. 

She wanted more chocolate milk, cereal with iPad, pretzel pieces where she took them apart and just ate the peanut butter from the inside and peaches. She got her stuff animals out, about 15 total and set up a store where I could purchase a dog. But when I made a choice, said, "you can't have that one, that one is mine". 

Then we watched the same episode of Bubble Guppies for the 50th time this week and she was swirling around in mom's lounge chair, a hobby of hers.

Because she was running and stomping like a T-rex and roaring, she scared the dogs and one of them threw up on the carpet.

She brought out a much of shells and rocks and to put in her "store" which I will have to return later.

It wasn't even 10a. Then Matt got up and made her a proper breakfast.

I am going to admit to something epically stupid I did Friday. I found a wonderful display cabinet for $200 on FB marketplace on Monday and contacted to see if it was still available. It was and I needed to talk to David about it. He loved it and Tuesday I asked if we could come over to see it. She lived on Whitbey Island, about and 1.5 hour drive (without taking a ferry). I told her I needed to check with my son to borrow his truck. On Wednesday she said she was sorry, she was tired of waiting and had to get it out of her house and called Habitat for Humanity.

So I immediately called Habitat for Humanity in her area and told the story. They were picking up a cabinet and I wanted to purchase it. He said the truck would be back shortly and to call him back. I called back and he confirmed that a cabinet was there. Here is where I should have have the light bulb, but I didn't. He said is was dark brown and I thought it was black. He would hold it until Saturday but I had to pay $85 (the cost). 

Matt, Bri, Noah packed up Murphy and headed over to Whitbey Island on Saturday. I was going to go with but a truck full, I decided to stay home. They retrieved the cabinet, Matt loaded it in the truck. Bri stayed in the truck but I had sent her a text with a photo on Monday so she knew what it looked like. They went to a dog park or two and at one point Bri looked in the back of the truck and thought 'that is not the cabinet" but at the time the place had closed. They came home and broke the news to me.

I felt terrible that I had them drive all that way, to get the wrong thing. Matt had unloaded all of his tools from his truck and now has to load them all back in. I paid I was surprised that Matt thought I would ever buy anything  as ugly as the 1970 veneered thing we were looking at but there you go, it had all happened. I had no thoughts of driving all the way back over there to return it and we decided to just take it to the Goodwill today. Matt went to 2 Goodwills today and they are not accepting donations. Good grief. 

Thinking back. I thought I would be the one picking it up and would confirm it was the right one, but just assumed it was. In hindsight, I should have had them text me a photo of the cabinet to confirm. So, lesson learned and now we will spend all week trying to rid ourselves of the "bargain we found on Marketplace".

David waited until the weekend to make his famous corn beef dish that I love. All the corn beef which had been $34 was now $17, so that was a win!

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