Friday, March 04, 2022

David Shillinglaw

Bright and happy illustrations by David Shillinglaw and his Instagram has newer work. 

An interview here: "The golden thread I always hold onto to guide me into and out of the work is the human experience. Without dictating a specific meaning I want people to recognise themselves and planet Earth in the work. I borrow from micro and macro systems and structures and bend things into my own vocabulary. I think of paintings as songs or poems: they are to be played; I want you to enjoy dancing around them with your eyes and your brain. There is a deliberate sense of chaos, which aims to mimic the kind of chaos you experience when walking down a street or through a forest, or having a conversation at a party, or the layers of thoughts that stack up in your own mind. All of my paintings are a failed attempt to organise this energy and fix things in place. I am rarely still and the world around me is moving at a fast pace, [and] this fuels my work, both aesthetically and conceptually. I think in layers rather than a finished picture. If you want a picture of something, just take a photo; a painting, and in particular a collage, can do things a photograph cannot."  

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