Monday, March 21, 2022

bitching session

I am going to include a tag now called "bitching session" instead of personal. Seems more appropriate. 

Anywhere the kids take off their clothes, their shoes, drop their towel on the floor, socks, plates of eaten food, candy wrappers, cans of pop, hanger from their clothes, pajamas while changing into day clothes, it stays there, right on the floor like crumbs in a forest to show where they are been during the day. I have told them in the strongest of terms that normal human beings do not live like that and they completely ignore me. 

I ordered the most beautiful nursery stuff from Spring Hill Nursery back in  Jan and early Feb. When I put it in my cart and paid my money, it never said "we are out of this item". So I never checked because I knew it was suppose to ship in March. So when I went to check the order status today, curious where the plants might be ... it said  BACK-ORDERED. It feels like overselling an airplane flight and I am not happy. And the most annoying thing ... not a peep, an email, saying, sorry, these orders might be late or not there at all, while they happily take my money. Not a satisfied customer.

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