Wednesday, February 02, 2022

What's for breakfast

This morning I had 15 bean soup for breakfast. In fact, I had that for breakfast most of last week. 

My taste have totally changed and I no longer like most breakfast food. Sometimes I crave Cream of Wheat. The smell of sausage or bacon or waffles makes me a little sick to my stomach. These things Matt cooks in great quantity every weekend. My mom was famous for doing "fry-ups" every weekend. I don't like flour tortillas, bread, gummy, gooey stuff anymore. I crave radishes, bell peppers, crunchy cucumbers, feta cheese and olives. Not so much steak anymore, feels too heavy and I really am turning away from eating meat.

I don't understand what has happened to my taste cravings. I will eat any leftovers, chili, bean soup, salad for breakfast. This week I thought cheesecake sounded like a good idea ;)


  1. You sound like me...I make vegetable soup and eat romaine and Swiss cheese sandwiches. Oatmeal.
    we just polished off a cheesecake. I had ice cold vanilla yogurt and red grapefruit with Bran Buds last week.
    Cold food when it's freezing outside. Crazy.

    I did make and eat pulled pork at Christmas. That was it for meat. Like forever I think.
    Perhaps the shots and Booster changed us?????

  2. perhaps? But mine change has been going on for awhile, but wait, It has been over a year since my Moderna? hmmmmm, maybe they are right, Bill Gates has sent little nanos into our bodies to make us eat better? LOL
    I actually started craving cheesecake because you posted a photo, so I am going to blame you for those calories. Romaine and cheese sandwich sounds good. I just use romaine on a hamburger, taste better than white bun.
    I have also been craving feta cheese, olive oil, and olives. Who knows why


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