Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The tiniest details

I found Kiyom on The Art Room Plant. I am not sure how this perfection is achieved but I want to know. 

"A mother of two, Kiyomi often wakes as early as 4am to make time for her hobby. Made from various materials including paper, wire, and perspex, her incredibly detailed, tiny creations include everything you would find in an 18th century world. There’s antique, industrial style cabinets and chairs; haberdashery items, such as spools of thread, sewing scissors, and a vintage sewing machine; as well as little shoes and hats, laid out in a tiny clothes store. There’s even a miniature bakery complete with teeny-tiny pastries." From My Modern Met

You just look at these images and think "how in the world?"  

Artist Kiyomi’s Miniature French World

I mean every little thing she creates is mind-boggling.


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