Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Gilded Age

There is a good piece in the NYT about the epic period piece, The Gilded Age

"The HBO series speaks mostly to the Gilded Age of our imagination, full of grand families, sumptuous furnishings, lavish entertainments, stringent social rules, massive fortunes and sky’s-the-limit ambitions." 

"It as a time when corruption, exploitation and graft were rampant, but also when the culture, lifestyle and institutions of the city began to take shape, cementing New York’s sense of itself as the center of everything." ... So not much has changed. 

Also found this podcast The Gilded Gentleman Ephemeral New York explores the servants of the Gilded Age in a new podcast - Gilded Age new rich and old money families had one thing in common: they all employed an army of servants to clean their mansions, mind their children, prepare their meals, drive their carriages, and take care of any other task members of elite society deemed necessary. But who were these butlers, chambermaids, laundresses, cooks, valets, and coachmen—and what was life like for them?

The Gilded Age on HBOMax, The Who's Who, and  The History and Timeline.


Virtual tours of the extravagance of the NEWPORT MANSIONS and their YouTube Channel is interesting.



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