Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Little zoombie movies get you through

I am going to the Seattle Flower Show tomorrow with a friend. Telling myself I should leave my debit card in the car. But the first sniff of flowers when you walk in the exhibit is always THE BEST.  The same friend and I were talking about signing up for a metal workshop for a night but I decided I could not keep my mask on for a long period of time. Hoping months from now Covid will have eased.

I think my son has been offered a newer, better job. A raise and more responsibilities. He is very excited. 

David will watch some pretty silly movies with me, like Piranha 3DD but the other night I think I crossed the line with a South Korean High School Zombie movie, "All of Us Are Dead". The worst part is was a 12 part series, NOT a movie. AND sub-titles. I finally finished it, probably should have listened to David.


Then one of David's friends told me I should watch Train to Busan, yes, I am going to watch it. 


I think at times like this, watching Zombie movies makes me think "it could be worse"?

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