Thursday, February 10, 2022

It is not over just because you want it to be over

I met my friend at the Seattle Flower Show yesterday and almost got into an agrument before I ever left the parking garage. 

On a side note, the Flower Show was just so-so. I am sure this has everything to do with the pandemic. Not stunning exhibits, not so many venders. But we managed to find some great little antique finds despite that and get inspired for some gardening.

Standing in the elevator, two woman hopped in and I put on my mask. 

The woman across from me said: "oh, the mask, I am from Spokane and we don't wear mask over there".

Me: You know over 2,000 people died yesterday of Covid. 

Her: In Washington? 

Me: No, our numbers are actually down here because we wear mask. 

Me: I spouted off some stats I had just posted on Twitter that morning, CA: +43,548, Florida: +19,306, Texas: +15,116, Tenn: +14,326, Minn: +10,395 

She says something but another woman came on board and had on her mask. I said, people are tired of wearing mask. 

The Third woman: Just because people are tired of the pandemic does not mean it is over. 

I smiled at her. 

YES, we are all tired of the pandemic, wearing mask, taking precautions. The numbers are going down but people are still dying. Infection rates are still happening. More people of died in the U.S. than anywhere else. God knows, I hate wearing a mask, I get hot and it makes me start gagging. But I would rather go through that bad experience than be sick. Yes, Omicron is not as dangerous, but do I want to test my health and going to the ER? No. 

Yesterday in the U.S  - Deaths

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