Saturday, February 26, 2022

It is crying time again

I am back to crying late at night, and waking up startled with fear for our country. Majorie Taylor Greene is one of many odious politicians in D.C. She spoke at a White-Nationalist Event yesterday, America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC), introduced by Nick Fuentes 

The shitshow Russian invasion of Ukraine. Fox news backing putin, Tucker Carlson giving putin some love and basically defending the invasion, trump calling putin a genius. Seems today, a bunch of republicans are backtracking on their pro-putin stance today.

All the lies and bullshit going on at CPAC this weekend in Florida, the line-up of speakers makes me want to throw up. (Meanwhile, in “CPAC Central,” the conference’s main marketplace, one vendor set up a life-sized cardboard cutout of Trump resembling Rambo, while a cartoonish gold statue of the former president stood in the background.)


Make guns great again, again... This past week a bill was introduced in the Tennessee legislature that would make some gun owners members of law enforcement if they have an “enhanced handgun carry permit.” All it takes to get such a permit is a $100 fee and an eight-hour handgun safety course certificate.

I think Putin thinks this invasion will help the GOP in mid-terms AND help to get trump re-elected.

Trump is going to get away with all of his crimes. His J-6 crimes and all of the players are refusing to show up the J-6 investigation to give their testimony. As if we thought they would actually show up? 

We have yet another truck convoy heading to D.C. this time, demanding the end of mandates. Or course, let's don't ignore the fact that they all have confederate flags, "Fuck Biden" and trump flags flying from their vehicles. 

I watched a movie about Soviet spy during the Cuban crisis. It made me think about when I was a kid and "duck and cover" at school was all the rage, like that was going to save us. Are we going to go back worrying about nuclear war again? 

So these are just some of the stories the last part of this week. As hard as I try to distract myself, I just can not stop thinking about our democracy in jeopardy, majority of the GOP are rotten to the core.

Covid has not gone away, yet. Mandates are being lifted. Yesterday - Deaths +2,809, about the same the day before. The two days before that around 400 per day. The first site I check every morning.

Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and my husband are the only things keeping my mind from exploding.



  1. Tucker broadcasts from a refurbished garage on the coast of Maine.
    Up North. Where the Confederacy is Alive and Well. Hardly any people of any color.

    I am usually ashamed of the State in which I live. But occasionally surprised.

  2. I am 80% ashamed of my beloved Texas, they usually never disappoint in that area. I miss going back but rarely want to visit ;(


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