Thursday, January 13, 2022

My day

Woke up very late after staying up until 3am with David while he suffers through last minute edits on the magazine. The sun is shining!

Drank my coffee and lost my shit over Kevin's spineless decision to decline congressional subpoena (listening to and reading BBC, NBC NEWS, AP news, while commenting out loud and listening to David comment out loud to news shows.

Finished my vacation sand list of locations, sand descriptions, map. I started this yesterday. 

Ate a plate of leftover chicken and ranch dressing for brunch. Remembered to take my morning meds. All the time Noah is playing Princess with me at my desk, I have to call her "beautiful Princess" and give her presents of stuff that she is giving me to give back to her. Murphy has his head planted on my desk while I eat.

Started a blog post, saved, will finish later. Researching a little about dulcimer I saw last night Craft in America 

Let Muphy out.

Responded to the 10-year avatar challenge on Facebook and posted a bunch of political stuff which all my followers ignore.

Let the cat out.

Noah just sneaked out to the backyard and stepped in dog poop, crying, David carried her to bathtub, I washed her up.

Had a small chocolate and caramel candy.

Let Pebbles out.

Bri dressed Noah, she, and Murphy going to dog park.

Took an outgoing letter to box, missed the postman, emptied box. Saw my crazy, agoraphobic neighbor who calls Bri about the cats being out all the time, and tried to avoid her. 

Let Pebbles in.

Thinking about cleaning family room and vacuuming, but first going to do dishes.

Did the morning's dishes and last night's pots and pans. Swept the dog dirt from muddy paws in kitchen. The dried up clumps of Playdoh and packing peanuts from dining room. Picked up all used towels "dropped around the house by kids", picked up dishes around the house. Thinking to myself, what could I manage to make for dinner? And what can make that is chocolate? I found a Ghirardelli Brownie Mix. David's suggestion was "Lobster Thermodore", I said was thinking more sloppy Joes and tater tots.

I need a shower. Desperately. 

To be continued ...

Let the cat in

3pm and I managed to do a quick shower. Jesus, I looked down at my toenails and had a little scream. Must risk a visit to the nail salon this weekend. Have a vet appointment tomorrow, Pixie has lost her hearing and has been a little sick to her stomach. She is sleeping a lot. David and I am quietly preparing ourselves. 

I has thinking more about that internal dialog when I walked to the mailbox. I saw my neighbor, "Jesus, I thought she was staying with her mom, I hope she does not see me, I am so dirty and I really don't want to listen to her today". Then I saw my neighbors to the right, they just had a baby. Looks like they changed their brand new white vehicles for brand new black vehicles and I don't think they work. I think his granddad (who I had a run in with about 20 years ago) gave him the house when his grandson suffered some sports injury in college. He doesn't even mow, they hire that out. I don't think he or his wife work. I have had one encounter with him, The kids say I am to harsh. He is 30-something and the only thing I have seen him do is play corn hole in his backyard. I am not really this bitchy, only in my head and internal thinking.

Bri, Murphy, kids just came home. Noah needs a nap and is melting down because she wants to play a game. Mason had a good day at school. Murphy had fun a the dog park but smells like dead fish. Bri and I are making a shopping a list. She is mad because I suggested Sloppy Joes, she doesn't like it, I was kidding, I know she doesn't like it.

I am going to venture out, Bri is making fun of me because I never leave the house.

4pm, going to grocery store and to fax a letter to the unemployment office. I all ready mailed a letter but I thought I would fax it too. They are telling me I was overpaid 10K because I turned down one job at  Home Depot about 40 minutes away on the busiest highway around here. I was stupid enough to be honest about it. I thought the dispute was settled but I received a letter the other day asking for 10k. I know so many of my friends who got thousands of dollars for their "business" that they were not even working at. But, you can't argue with the government so if they find me in the wrong, I will pay it out monthly.

To be continued ... 

Bri and I had a lively discussion about the Pandemic before I was off the store. I know the young folks are tired of all the rules and regs of a pandemic. Bri said she won't be boosted again. I said, I will be boosted as many times as they want. I said that I take a different version of the flu vaccine every autumn. She says she does not. I said, 2,400 Americans died last night and the same number the night before. She said she read they were only the comorbidities dying. And I said, that has always been the case. But they also included cancer patients, cancer survivors, her grandparents! Bri is very smart, so I don't worry about her, she has loads of common sense. We can yell at each other without actually being mad.

Got back home around 5:30p. Grocery store was pretty busy and well-stocked. One of the things that seems to be missing, my Campbell's Tomato Soup. (comfort food from my childhood). The check out woman said, buy it when you see it, because you never know. Bought way too much, but really needed milk, chocolate syrup, cucumbers, radishes, bell peppers, lettuce and whatever else we needed for dinner. Bake potatoes and brussel sprouts. QFC butter on sale for $1.97! 5 bags later, off to my home. The Puget Sound was beautiful, reflecting a pink, purplish sunset while having heavy, dark, rain clouds looming overhead. I never get tired of seeing the sound, the Olympic mountain range, the lights from downtown Edmonds and the outgoing ferry reflecting in the water.

Matt pulled up at home the same time, helped me bring the groceries in. He is cooking steak. I did buy makings for sloppy Joes for David and me tomorrow for lunch.

And guess what, time for a glass of wine, 5:43p! Off to trim brussel sprouts. More later ...

Sofie wanted in. 

Put away most of the grocery. All cereals in their appropriate containers. Apparently I can not put veggies in the drawer until I clean it after dinner. Cut up my radishes in slices and put in water. Matt started the smoker and is running back and forth cooking steak.

Almost 7, helped Matt prep dinner. Clean and cut up brussels sprouts, grease the potatoes,  mixed the brownie mix (Bri and I agreed it tasted a little old, is that a thing? But cooking it anyway. Washed up all dishes I have dirtied and about to watch recorded Rachel. Matt is listening to a great Earth, Wind and Fire playlist on Spotify in the kitchen. Blood is boiling listening to Lawrence about Sinema. Who the F does she think she is, God, I hope they vote her ass out of there.

Murphy wants out. It is trash night tonight. Murphy wants in.

Grandkids have been in the tub, have been great up until now. It could be reaching meltdown mode. Everyone trying to get dinner finished and cleaning off table. 

ME: reading Twitter. Listening to Rachel. Also going through Netflix to see if there is anything new to watch. Also got an email about an graphic designer position near me and applied for it. Pretty sure it is junk mail, not getting my hopes up.

Kids out of bath. Apparently bathroom floor is a watery mess. Kids trying to get their pajamas on. Sophie barking, she wants in. Someone has started a fire in the front room, sounds wonderful. Brownies have gone into the oven.Noah wants my iPhone. She keeps it almost all day.

Noah hurt her big toe the other day and it is all bloody. "Dr. Mommy" was just fixing it with lots of BAND-AIDS. Good news: Noah is not crying. (I think she might be losing her nail). Dinner is almost ready, I have lost track of Twitter. 

9pm: For some reason the fire is filling the front room with smoke. Finished my dinner. Ate a big bake potato with all the toppings and a little piece of meat. Not really into meat anymore. The kids are all at the table, eating and talking about "potty words" and other topics. All pretty funny. Cleaned up most of the kitchen. Took brownies out of oven ... will see how those taste. There is a new THIS OLD HOUSE, woo hoo! All dogs need food and new water. 

Now the kids are all screaming about something. Can't make it out, the shrill is too high-pitched. 

David is working on his corrections. 

All chaos has let loose in the kitchen. The kids are chasing the the cats. The dogs want the meat. Bri won't let me feed Murphy the leftovers until she has finished her dinner. Noah has developed this devilish loud laugh. I am asking myself, what time is bedtime? 

OH, GOD, I just heard the magic words: it is time to brush your teeth.

Mason just announced she is a vegetarian now. I hear feet running in circles around the house and I hear one kid digging in the candy door. It is 9:30pm. David is finally eating dinner.

Took nightly meds. Mason just said she had seen me dip my Oreo into my wine :) Did more dishes. Thinking it might be time to take off my shoes, get in my chair and watch some TV. There is a Midsomer Mystery repeat playing right now. I have probably watched it 10  times. The kids are arguing about brushing their teeth. Almost 10pm.

It is escalating into a war over brushing teeth with Mason in the bathroom. I can hear her crying and Matt saying something like "I will brush them for you" ... 

Okay, the brownies taste old to me. I am going to leave judgement up to someone brave enough to try them.

Apparently Pebbles go locked out in the dark, I didn't do it. It is very quiet back there, I think the kids are in bed, having a book read to them.

Shoes coming off. David eating dinner, has some sports report one.

Mason has wandered back into the kitchen. 

Shoes off, in my chair, landed on PROJECT RUNWAY. Kids are asleep! Murphy just wanted out.

There was some kid screaming for a minute. Now, when I go to the kitchen, the dishwasher has started, kids are all asleep, even Matt and Bri. David and I watching the end of Project Runway. This day is winding down.

All is quiet. We have moved on to Antiques Roadshow. I hate that Steve Colbert is not on on Friday nights. What is up with that??? Is Jimmy Kimmel off on Fridays too? David says he thinks he is done for today. Our day might be winding down. Good night. Thanks for sharing my day, thoughts, with me. 11:58pm. xoxox

 When we sat down to watch TV, I was complaining about Friday night, Colbert and Kimmel. David said "what are you talking about? It is Thursday."  OOps

Pebbles wants out. ;0

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