Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Little gift tags of love left behind

Spent yesterday getting Christmas trees packed away. Now trying to get the trees down, "unfluffed" and packed away. Doing all of this around a Barbie house. 

I have always done this on purpose. I leave gifts tags in the boxes I store ornaments. When I unpacked them, then wrapped them up again, I run across these sweet gift tags from friends and family. It always makes me so happy.


  1. I just opened my much-anticipated package from you. I always love the wrapping as much as the gifts (which I also really enjoy). This year you wrapped one of the books in a thick, cloth-like deep azure paper that was very thick. It felt like soft tree bark. So luscious. So…. Thank you snd “that’s a wrap!”

  2. David loves buying you gifts and finding you books more than anyone I know XOXOXO


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