Saturday, January 08, 2022

He loves me and I love him

I told the kids, I will NOT get attached to your dog. He is your dog and I don't really want anything to do with him. Sooooo, Murphy loves me and I love him. He sits next to me at my computer, especially when I am eating (because I feed him treats all the time). Of course, he loves the kids more but when he is in trouble, he runs to my side and stays close to me. He sits at my computer, he puts his slobery head on my desk or on my leg. So much for trying to stay disconnected from him.


  1. They (dogs) seem to know who needs them. Mine did.

    So- your desk- the apple computer. Looks just like mine but I am sure yours is newer- so tell me about it.
    I will be needing to replace mine. works fine (sort of) but can't print. could be that the printer has sort term memory loss.
    The printer now has all instructions in Croatian. It gave up speaking English. such fun with machines here.

  2. Joanne S
    The iMac that is dark on the left, is my old mac. And because I have a hard time of getting rid of things, I still have it. I still has lots of my files on it and I keep it for all of the files.

    When I took one of my trips to Idaho, I arrived back home David had surprised me with a new iMac. I was shocked. I was going to send it all back but decided against it so we would have one good working computer in the house. My old mac was just worn out, was completely filled up with files, and had been to the shop many times. Now David who does not worry about the cost of stuff paid a lot of money for this (around 7k?). He also bought a new desk and chair. It was very nice of him but it scares me when he spends that much.

    It is iMac Pro (2017), with a good graphics card and lots of storage. When I just googled it, they had lots of revamped, rebuilt very affordable. David was trying to encourage me to keep doing my graphics and illustrations when I could not get a new job.

  3. I think I could have also like to have a good mac laptop. I loved my laptop. It is pretty old now and has a hard time starting up.

  4. Thank You. My husband is like yours- no expense spared to buy what he thinks I need.
    So..I NEVER EXPRESS NEED. This Mac does what I need but nothing more- the blog and a few emails. Pictures from the internet or via email.
    I delete everything used on the blog. I empty the trash each week. Completely. There is nothing stored.
    Nothing kept. My daughter has the same desktop and filled it with images etc. it locked up and died years and years ago. and that's when I started deleting. I saw one on the Apple Site. They were designing aircraft on it. Overkill for me. Not you.
    My code writing engineer son will be finding something for me when he can come to Maine from Silicon Valley. Until then. I go gently into the dark woods.

  5. When we need a big expense item, I research online and then send david after it because it does not bother him to spend the big bucks, and honestly, it gets it out of his system. I learned this trick years ago LOL

    that is good you have brainy computer types to help out. I really think you can buy rebuilt models that are good. I would have purchased a rebuilt if david had not gone on and bought this on while i was gone

    Honestly, it is a relief to have a reliable computer here. I help david with lots of work, and we store lots of photos, purchased art resources and stuff. he laughs at me because I just refuse to get rid of the old one, I am very loyal to her!



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