Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas to all

We have more food than we know what to do with right now. Bri is making dinner for her mom, sister and friends tonight, David is cooking prime rib tomorrow. I am making crepes for Christmas morning (this is my mom's tradition we continue) with a healthy serving of Mimosas. 

Matt was suppose to make Eggs Benedict this morning but there was a change of menu and Bri is making homemade cinnamon rolls. I guess we will also have Eggs Benedict Christmas morning. Our bedroom looks like Santa's workshop. David was wrapping but I just sent him out to find something I forgot to buy for the kids, paint sticks. We finally have all the stuff we bought on the trip and we have collected throughout the year for family and friends, but of course, did not make it to the post office. First thing after Christmas, I promise myself. 

I think David bought MORE BOOKS. I saw a receipt from Barns & Nobles. And I did the unimaginable, found some 1988 signed, carved ducks at the antique store for a bargain and bought them for David. Something I threatened him with divorce if he buys anymore. But mainly, I made my purchases online. I just refuse to leave the house right now. It scares me and I can hardly wear the mask for very long. Over 3,000 people died yesterday from Covid. Over 2,000 the day before. Matt's coworker came down with Covid yesterday. We are still in a pandemic.

It has started hailing, I predict snow next. Anything but rain! Please. I put down a hefty down payment for the new fence. The current fence is about the fall to the ground and all the rain is making me nervous about getting out new fence in ASAP. 

Hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas!

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