Sunday, December 05, 2021

12 years of joy

Facebook reminded me that we have had Pixie for 12 years, which shocks me because it feels like yesterday we picked her up. Packed up the family with our driver's liscences, passports, proof of employment, signed a commitment paper to take care of her forever. Then the woman walked out with Pixie in one hand and we all melted. She had us at that first look. She has a devil streak and is definitely David's dog. They have a love affair. Time flies when we are having fun.

I woke up with a sore throat this morning. Bri said she had one yesterday. I don't feel too sick but I am going to run to Walgreens to get tested for Covid just to play it safe. 

Trying to get the Christmas trees up and decorating done. Sometimes decorating feels like Groundhog's Day movie.

David has taken over my computer since we got back from our road trip. His computer is in the shop. So my blogging, internet surfing, tweeting, all very restricted right now.

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