Friday, November 05, 2021

I listened to Morning Joe about how the dems didn't get the votes in Virginia. And I got mad. Let's face it, republicans lie about everything, CRT, voter fraud, QAnon is a real thing and The Democrats eat babies, "they're taking your guns", trump is going to be reinstated to office, "bad books", vaccines will track you and make you magnetic, and the ever popular - Covid is a hoax (715,000 Americans have dies) ... they lie and they push the lie in their messaging and we all call it "good messaging" when it is f*cking lying. The Democrats, as usual, are not stooping and getting dinged for it. 

David and I get into a big discussion about this all the time. I think we should hold on tight to our integrity and not take the bait. But then the GOP base is waiting for JFK to return, so there you have it.


Oh and by the way, the cult says trump is the God's chosen one, but guess who is not at Colin Powell's funeral today? The trumps.

 Another relevant blog post from I Could Be Wrong.  

"Is our Republic done, finished? Ten months after our Capitol was stormed by insurrectionist sent by the outgoing President and the Republican Party they appear to be on the move again. The victory in Virginia was predicted but I am still shocked that people are so willing to support the party that wants to destroy our Republic. What does that say about the midterms? Folks, the bullies are winning. The people that want to see money rule above anything else will destroy or democracy so they can remain in power with their money and never run for office. The lies that have been spread that the public believes is a real problem to me. The first lie is the lie about Critical Race Theory. They want it out of education. The public wants something that is not in education out of our education. That is right. It has never been part of education. They are being lied to but that is ok as long as that lie helps feed their bigotry and do not try and convince me that it is not bigotry. They will vote for the people that would indoctrinate our children instead of educate them. Well in Virginia they said yes. The results? Educated people in this country will be a minority if they are not already. To truly educate we must learn from our past and not hide from it. We Americans think so small. We think that what we have to separate from the rest of the world. I am sorry to tell you that our history is part of World History. In many cases we have foreigners that know our history better than a lot of our own citizens. Why? Because they are taught it, and we hide from it. I keep saying in today’s digital age you really cannot hide real history. With libraries all over the world open digitally 24/7 you can truly find the truth if you search for it. Freedom is a word that you hear a lot about and the Republican are constantly screaming. They are like that priest that says all homosexuals will go to hell while after church he molesting the altar boys. Republican scream freedom when what they really want to do is suppress. They make abortion an issue when Jesus didn’t. Yes, you will not find any reference to abortion in the teachings of Jesus and yes, they were going happen way back then too. It is easier to say that you are pro-life than really follow the teachings of Jesus. He walked with the poor. He had to seek asylum in a foreign country. He walked around homeless and people and they shared what was theirs with him. He showed us how we should be living and we have turned out backs on it. Jesus’ closest disciple may have been a woman. Is that why priests have suppressed women? Do men think that their superior strength still gives us the right to suppress women? Have we not come any farther than that? Yes the church should be helping free people but they are more interested in the money that worshiping at the feet of Pontius Pilot brings. Many evangelical ministers live in luxury like Pontius Pilot than in the poverty that was Jesus. Freedom is just a hollow word that Republicans yell that has no real meaning when it comes to women rights. Voter suppression and racism have always gone hand in hand and I keep on typing that but my message does not seem to be getting through. Believe it or not all I ever want is a fair election. No gerrymandering. No voter suppression. The same wait to vote at all polling places. No area should have longer lines than another. I want all ballots counted and I want the winner to win on the merit of their campaign and not the fact that the election was not fair. Yes every election should be a holiday. The election process should be celebrated just like the 4th of July. Voting should be a responsibility not a privilege. I want most of the money taken out of the election and I want all the foreign money taken out. We need to stop the bribery of our elected officials and yes it is bribery. If a politician cannot win with an honest message than he or she should not win. I am so tired of this right or left or conservative or liberal. There used to be right and wrong. Voter suppression in any form is wrong. The suppression of women and their right to choose is wrong. The forcing of your religious views on me is wrong. I am glad that there are people worried about the debt but it is wrong to worry about it only when the other guy is in office. The rich and the poor should be treated the same. These are very simple concepts that I think we could accomplish really easy if we tried. The problem? Too many people do not want to try."


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