Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Have been wondering

I have been wondering when I lost track of everything and my life went off the rails? 8 years ago when the kids moved in and started their family? When I got my job at Fred Hutch and dedicated way too much time to that job? Watching mom during her 4 year illness, her death. 4 years of freelancing. Five years of fighting trump cult and lies and basically losing my mind? 

I can't pinpoint when but I want to be back on track again! 

Finally cleaned up my blog a little. Trying to finish cleaning.

David is packing up the car, getting ready to take off for Kansas City. In a week I am flying to Albuquerque to meet him at my sister-in-law for a couple of days. Then we are heading off to Tempe to see my sister for a couple of days. Then headed home, via Utah to through Moab to get a look at Arches National Park. I get a little anxiety when I think about leaving home, leaving the dogs. Everyone is promising all will be well. Taking a box of snack-size Ziploc bags and collect lots of sand.

Just tried to post on Twitter and I am in Twitter jail for 2 more days for this post.



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