Sunday, October 31, 2021

The horse and rider

The Indian Horse: John Frederick Herring (1795 - 1865)
The Derby Winner
Navajo Folk Art was discovered and brought to the attention of folk art collectors in the 1970s by Chuck and Jan Rosenak.
I spotted this cut out, painted Indian today and am trying to find the artist!
LAKOTA LEDGER DRAWINGS from the Amidon Ledger Book, ca. 1884. Sunka Luta (Red Dog, Oglala Lakota, ca. 1848–d.?), ledger book drawings.
The Schild Ledger Book
Folk Art Native American on Horseback
Indian Horse Rider, Gilded wood, copper

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Thanks! I always love horse related art :)


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