Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Zapper

On a lighter note: I bought a fly zapper

We had a fly infestation in the garage, which I discovered after 100's of flies made their way to our living area. After days of cursing them, I traced them to the garage. Ran to Home Depot and bought all kinds of fly papers, and fly-catching-devices. It took all week with a fly-swatter and my new fly zapper, but I think I am NOW rid of the flies. Little fly corpses little the window ledge, still cleaning that up.

BUT NOW THE FRUIT FLIES. I have been battling them for weeks. I will stand in the kitchen for hours and zap those little buggers out of existence. Thinking I have succeeded, only to find more of them hours later. I mean, where DO they keep coming from. I swear right now I am down the last 2 or 3 ... 

Anyway, I was standing around the fruit bowl, patiently waiting for one to fly by. There is no better satisfaction than hearing a LOUD ZAP from the zapper. I told David I was down the last few and he said "well, you can say I spent my retirement hunting fruit flies".

Okay, coming out of his mouth, it did sound pretty silly but I have not given up my battle.

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