Saturday, September 25, 2021

Head shoved in the sand

I have to get this off my chest. 

Even though many of my friends do not want to know what trump is saying, or what his followers are ranting about, I prefer not to stick my head in the sand. That didn't work out so well 5 years ago, or during the Obama years, when he was accusing Obama of NOT being a citizen of the U.S. and ginning up his base for hate and rioting. I ignored it then because I thought is was beneath responding to, paying attention to, it was too stupid. and look where it got us.

This time, as distasteful and painful as it is, I want to know what they are saying. And what they are saying is very, very scary. So when my friends say, "just ignore him", don't pay attention", "I am going to enjoy my life, I suggest you do the same" ... I literally want to jump down their throats.

The far-right talks about engaging in civil war all the time. They talk about shooting and killing democrats and liberals. They continue to insist that trump will be back in office and soon and when he does, he will serve 12 years? And then Ivanka will be the first female president. They profess their absolute love/devotion for trump.

It is a cult of millions like nothing I have ever seen. So this isn't the time to turn a deaf ear and act like nothing strange is going on this country. It is time to be alert and not matter how painful, listen to what they are saying.

I mean I loved and respected Obama but I would never have attended 60 rallies for him (after he was out of office), driving all over the country. There were several cult members today that had been to every rally, driving 1,000's of miles to do so. The T-shirts, the flags, the hats, the posters, it is all gone overboard.


I watched some of Newsmax for the first time today and OMG, the ads on there are unbelievable! 


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