Sunday, July 04, 2021

Happy Fourth! 2021

I am pinching myself to realize it is really the Fourth of July. 

Years past we would all be up early, cooking, cleaning, mowing, hanging flags and lanterns, setting tables ... you know, getting ready for a big get-together. Anyone, everyone invited. Those were the good ole days. We would gather, eat, drink, start a fire, walk down to watch the fireworks, come back to the fire and drink more. 

Since Mom's death, friends moving, our back deck falling apart and yard full of Murphy dogs piles, lots of random toys scattered and a huge pool ... I don't think we will have a party back there anytime in the future. And the kids are not here, off to Lake Chelan for vacation and it is very quiet. It all seems so different from past years. 

Mom, Ruth, friends all gathering in the kitchen, cooking and laughing. David mowing. It is lonelier, quieter and I am so thankful I have those wonderful memories. I am so glad we are at the end of this horrible pandemic. Edmonds is actually having firework display this year. David and I might rally and walk to the end of our street to catch the fireworks.

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