Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Shell creations

The Shell Grotto was discovered by chance in 1835, the subterranean Shell Grotto’s curving chalk walls are studded with 4.6 million shells. They create a magical mosaic of strange patterns and symbols. Was this a place of worship, a setting for secret meetings or an extravagant folly? We don’t know who built this amazing place, or why, but since the first paying customers descended the chalk stairway in 1838, debate has raged about the Grotto’s origins.
Tess Morley shell creations are stunning. To tell you the truth, I am not sure how I feel about taking all of those shells from nature for us to make mirror surrounds and furniture. But you can't help admire the complexity of the designs. Also her Instagram.
Cilwendeg Shell House Hermitage is a most remarkable ornamental grotto, and a rare survival in West Wales. It was built in the late 1820s by Morgan Jones the Younger, who inherited the Cilwendeg estate upon the death of his uncle and created the Shell House in his uncle’s honour. This extraordinary woodland retreat was conceived in the picturesque taste of the era, and in addition to serving as a grateful tribute to the elder Jones, it was used by his family as a cool amusement in the summer months and a contemplative reading room in the depths of the winter.
Innovative shell artist, Blott Kerr-Wilson.
Make your own oyster shell jewelry dishes.

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