Friday, December 13, 2019

Seeweed and love it


Collecting Seaweed 

This handsome boxed set of notecards, Wild Sea Notecards, features art based on the wild and edible seaweeds of Ireland. The set contains six stunning designs, two of each. Rich colors and bold graphic shapes give a modern edge to a classic subject with timeless naturalist appeal. The box top is textured to evoke the printmaking paper of the original art.

The Curious World of Seaweed is literally the roots of our ocean. For three generations, our family has thought about how to make a quality documentary about the importance of seaweed in the ocean ecosystem.

Nature Domesticated: A Victorian Seaweed Scrapbook



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. c'est fabuleux et délicat!


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