Saturday, July 16, 2016

Art that "bugs" me

Kate Kato is an artist, designer, crafter and a collector of unwanted things: "I live in the Welsh boarders where I create sculpture inspired by the nature that surrounds me. My sculptures are predominantly of plants and insects and are made from recycled materials. I love to work mostly with paper and textile, using stitching and embroidery to bring the various parts of my sculpture together." Her incredible work on instagram.

Series of insects we made for IGEPA Benelux, we made these insects out of used and recycled paper by coming soon 


Julie Alice Chappell conjures up these delightful creatures from circuit boards. Find her work on Etsy.

Beautiful textile sculptures of months, butterflies, and other insects with various textiles and embroidery techniques by Yumi Okita, also found on Pinterest.

Helen Ahpornsiri’s delicate creations crafted from tiny dried and pressed ferns. Also find more of her art on instagram.


  1. Anonymous1:56 AM

    LOVE this!!! I posted it on FB :)



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