Sunday, November 01, 2015

Keyboard traveler

Sometimes I just get lost on the internet, especially when I have discovered a new place I have never heard of. Faroe Islands. I pinned something about Faroe Island, and someone commented "bullshit" ... so, of course, I had to go make sure that I had not been deceived by some photoshop trickery. Then I discovered Faroe Island.  

"The Faroe Islands are an archipelago between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, approximately halfway between Norway and Iceland, 200 miles north-northwest of Great Britain.

 The area is approximately 540 sq miles with a 2015 population of 48,700. The islands are an autonomous country within the Danish kingdom. Between 1035 and 1814, the Faroe Islands were part of the Kingdom of Norway. The 1814 Treaty of Kiel granted Denmark control over the islands, along with two other Norwegian regions: Greenland and Iceland. The Faroe Islands have been a self-governing country within the Danish Realm since 1948" 
A view of the outer isles of the unbelievable Faroe Islands. from Visit Faroe Islands on Vimeo.

I have been listening to Ann Cleeves audible books, her Shetland Island series, featuring places like Yell, Unst,  places so cold, blustery, remote and beautifully described ... I think that makes me long to see this part of the world.

Faroe Island images by Dalene & Pete Heck

Wax on Daniel-san collects postcards from around the world. 

Okay, it is time to come back to Edmonds and get to work. 

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