Monday, July 07, 2014

Prickly Plants

Bringing outdoors in with these adorable pillows without the stickers from Plantillo. I want a garden for my sofa. ;) 

Wooden cactus by Yuto Yamasaki, adorable! 

Or the real thing ...

Light up with Prickly Pear Cactus Table Lamp by Dessert Gallery. Want one!

You could just wear one, Cactus Plant Live Terrarium Necklace by Wear It Mini Plants on Etsy.


  1. ça pique.. mais c'est beau!!!

  2. Those are pillows? Even the third photo? No way!

    Ew. Not a cactus fan.

  3. Yes Peruby!!! Can't you see those in a daisy ')

  4. I WANT a cactus necklace! So sweet!


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