Thursday, September 26, 2013

Cchhh, ccchhh, ccchhh --- changes!

The weather went from summer to fall in one night! 

I thought my new job would allow me a little mental downtime. But with all learning new things, I still feel like I am a step behind. No time for fun blog stuff! I saw these on the way home and thought I would shoot it if I still had some light when I got home. 

I know I have not been blogging much but that does not mean I don't still have lots to share. I think about it but when I get home, life gets in the way. I think you all know that we are going to have a granddaughter, Mason, here with us next month. So lots of planning, cleaning and such for that miracle. 

So on the bright side, Robin's book, hoop: the american dream (the summer trip I took last year) was released yesterday. I have been checking her blog to make sure everything is working ... and then Tuesday, she had a segment on King 5 Evening Magazine. I am sooo excited. 

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