Friday, May 10, 2013

Remembering the open road

As I get deeper in my work and life here in Edmonds, I almost forget that a mere two weeks ago I was on the open road in Texas. We dined at my favorite landmark Mexican tourist restaurant in San Antonio, Mi Tierra

We hit the road to Corpus Christi, where I got a quick visit with my friend, Amanda at the restaurant at the Art Museum of South Texas. Then off to Rockport to see the beach and laughing gulls. We stayed at a great B&B, drank mucho beer, collected sand, shopped, walked around the town, and then a cold front moved in with rain, the temperature dropped about 30 degrees and we were off the Blanco.

This beautiful 5-foot cross made out of all kind of recycled goodies. I fell in love with it. Found it at The Flying Pig Emporium in Rockport, where the owner was originally from  ... Seattle. Small world.

 Getting blown away by the beach view. Then off to dinner.

Faith set my up to feed these cute little Laughing Gulls and they attacked my hair. She laughed a wicked laugh while she had her camera all set to capture the mayhem.

Then the cold front moved in while we were leaving town.

Blanco is the cutest little town with the perfect town square. I designed the Blanco Fun Run T-shirt and was there for the event. ;) Got to visit with my buddy, Irene, who has started an antique business. We didn't get to visit enough!

Then we headed to Waxahachie to visit my dad, Lisa - my sister. My friend, former neighbor, Rita ran over for a quick visit as well. Visited with  my brother and saw his amazing garden he is creating. Drove the Historic Waxahachie to see the sights with Faith. 

Then we were on the to Blanco, via Glenwood Cemetery in Alvarado, where I had a quick visit with my grandmother, great-grandmother and aunt.

 Then Glen Rose (got sand and saw wonderful rock formations), walked around town for a minute and spotted these great tiles!

Then Hico (fell in love with that town) where we shopped at this amazing store, Homestead. At Homestead, discovered this amazing artist, Jerry McAdams. Ate more Mexican food. I could not eat enough Mexican food or drink enough Dos XX. Got to see my second daughter. ;)

Jerry McAdams art, would have bought them all!

This is what I miss most about Texas ... the open road, and open spaces, big starry skies. Seems those open spaces are disappearing and that makes me very sad. I guess I am a Texas-girl at my core.

Saw lots of wonderful birds in Faith's backyard in Blanco that backs up to the Little Blanco River (dry now). Got sand. Watched birds. Listen to the Live Oaks sing. And hung out with my favorite Texas dogs, Henry and Ollie.

And then I was back on a plane heading north. Without seeing everyone I wanted to see and visited with. I think that would require at least a month or more. 

I still managed to work thanks to my Sprint HotSpot, listened to my Audible books on my laptop falling asleep at night.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an awesome road trip, Kim. YOu made some good memories. And I notice you wrote that you "miss the open road, and open spaces, big starry skies." Well, Montana has all that and it's alot closer than Texas. I know, I know you are a Texan at heart. Still. Come see us out here in Montana and I'll show you some starry skies. :-D


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