Sunday, May 26, 2013

A working holiday

Happy Memorial Day weekend!

A co-worker and I were talking about getting things done in ones busy life. She was reading the Happiness Project book and remarked about something she read ... if the thing you are going to do takes less than 10 minutes, don't think about, don't procrastinate, just do it. I have been practicing that all week. 

This week: I created about 8 A&E covers, 3 illustrations (one Viewpoints piece), finished one website, still have one to work on today, wrote two post for - Remembering Harry and Moss is Boss. Took mom for a haircut, shopping, dog nail-clipping, and a little cleaning house, some weeding and cleaning the moss off of the deck furniture. And 20+ hours at work.

Getting ready for Tuesday, when my life becomes much more hectic. Today, I want to shoot a couple of flowers. I have neglected taking any photos of ANY flowers in my yard all spring. 

Oh, yes. And Robin and I finished her book! And it is off to the publisher and printer! I think it will be printed by October ... then we will start the book tour ;) On the open road again with Robin? Maybe? In the meantime, I am building the blog to go with the book about our adventures.

While I was writing the post about Harry, was searching for photos of Matt in the yard during summer. Found these two ... where did the time go? (sniff, sniff)

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