Sunday, March 03, 2013

Purple Passion!

Great to be home. Lots of work to get caught up on. VistaPrint has been having some promotional sales, and when they do ... I take advantage! I am making a Purple Passion card set. I really, really love to see my flower photos in print! Isn't it fun? Putting them up on Etsy soon.

Stopped off foraging for branches on my way home from North Bend. And found this wonderful weed and some branches (hidden from my husband in the back on my truck.)


  1. championne en photographie de fleurs!

  2. Je vous remercie! Je ne peux pas penser à un meilleur passe-temps de plus beau. Envoyez-moi votre adresse et je vous enverrai un paquet;) xoxox

  3. c'est très gentille, mais j'habite en suisse.. c'est loin....amitiés elfi

  4. Nice and creative looking. I like it very much. Too amazing and incredible.

  5. Kim, would you email me the link to the sales promotions for Vista Print? I checked their website and I can't find any promotions. Maybe I just don't know how/where to look? I would love to print some postcards for our daughter who is having twins.

  6. Wow, pretty cool sharing. I really like your purple card design. Though, I'm not good at art and craftwork as I’m working with Ecommerce Image editing platform for the editing work. Anyways very good sharing; please keep sharing more. I’ll definitely visit your blog again. ecommerce-image-editing-services

  7. The flowers look so beautiful, the picture is so beautiful.Your photography is beautiful enough, your work skills are very good.
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  8. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Well, when I had thus put mine ends together
    I show’d them others, that I might see whether
    They would condemn them, or them justify:
    And some said, let them live; some, let them die:
    Some said, John, print it; others said, Not so:
    Some said, It might do good; others said, No.

    John Bunyan, "The Pilgrim’s Progress", a.4

  9. Together with all the horrible and blood-curdling incidents devised by their authors to point a fearsome moral to each tale. Modern education includes morality; therefore the modern child seeks only entertainment in its wonder tales and gladly dispenses with all disagreeable incident.

    Confucius, "The Analects of Confucius", i.1

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