Saturday, March 23, 2013

Let's not forget

It was not that long ago that we witnessed one of the most haunting, horrific events live on television. Nature is bigger than us and we sure forget that sometimes. My heart has been broken for that region of Japan since the tsunami. "The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom" by Lucy Walker is a beautiful tribute to them: the living, the lost, nature and Japan's more beloved flower. I watched this on HBO today. Rebuilding goes on.


  1. terribles images et les fleurs d'une beauté magnifique! un contraste saisissant!

  2. il est. un contraste terrible. Mais la nature humaine perdure. Je pense que c'est incroyable.


  3. I looking liked your post as it is very interesting to read thank you

  4. yikes. ok. Friday morning change of gear. thanks for posting, I am in tears. will look out for the documentary. and how wonderful that I just enjoyed your blossom photograph. gambarimas - that wonderful Japanese quality, is so heartening.


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