Wednesday, February 06, 2013


I am so lame. So busy. So frantic since last week. I forgot my anniversary! Thankfully, my husband is very understanding about these little misses. Thankfully, I had purchased a little present for him but had not wrapped it yet. I had planned on a very special gift wrap. Oh, well. 

He gave me Frida and Diego finger puppets. Get it, the crazy artist (me) and the real artist (him). ;) 

 I found this adorable Love Tree by 2 of 2 on Etsy. I really love it. It small but wonderful. Aren't these little trees just the cutest?

Finished a logo before 8am this morning that I have been working on the last couple of days. Finished a mock-up skin for Rick last night. Almost done with 2 ongoing websites. Had two days full of detour maps and revisions. 

Also, bit of good news. I will be selling Brantlers at Butter Home in Seattle. Thank you, Claire! Tomorrow, to the studio!!! Leave this silly computer for a couple of days to create. 

And I might have a part-time job at a newspaper. Will find out today.

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